Flutterbutt Kits, February’s Color of the Month and Stitch Marker Bracelets by Mini McPurly are here!


Knitty McPurly 2025 League of Extraordinary Sock Knitters Information

Devin Ventre

The 2025 Year-Long League of Extraordinary Sock Knitters Sock Club will open Friday, November 29th (the day after Thanksgiving) at NOON EST.  

Mark your calendar if you want to participate!

The League of Extraordinary Sock Knitters Monthly Sock Club is almost here! Throughout 2025 we will be knitting through 12 designs from Summer Lee’s The Sock Project book. You can purchase this book on Amazon or wherever you like to buy books.

Starting in December 2024 (January’s yarn ships in December), each month you will receive yarn to make a specific design in the book along with a custom designed (by me!) enamel progress keeper to match our sock of the month. Knitters who join on November 29th will also receive a League enamel pin to place on their sock knitting bag, as a wee badge of honor for being part of the club! These pins won’t come back, and they ship out with January’s sock club (the one you buy on November 29th) only.

You will also have access to the League of Extraordinary Sock Knitters Facebook group if you want to knit along with the crowd! Totally optional. 

You will be billed the first of each month throughout 2025.  You can cancel anytime. Yarn for each month ships out the month before so you can cast on that month’s sock on the first of the month!

Finally, the pictures in this email are just staged photos and they are NOT the actual yarn you will receive. They just give you an idea of what to expect in each month’s box. (I don’t have the progress keepers yet, and those are a surprise anyway!)

Finally, I told you on the podcast that the cost would be $43 with shipping included.  I changed this to $36 with regular US shipping at $7, which brings us to $43.  Shipping will be more for international customers.

The listing for the Sock Club will stay open until they sell out, which might take a hour or it might take a week. Sign up quickly if you want in! When you sign up, you are signing up for the yarn to come automatically every month, but you can cancel anytime you want. 

The patterns are all from the book - it has maybe 20 patterns and I picked 12 of them for the club. The yarn will be a surprise but it will be tailored to the sock.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about how it works! Devin AT KnittyMcPurly DOT com!

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  • Cannot wait!

    Deanna Knopp

  • Plan me in

    Linda Cornelius

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